How to Handle Success
Leading on-camera and media coach, Shannon O'Dowd knows that the pressures increase as you progress throughout your career. Fortunately,

Best Practices for Online Presentations
In 2018, as workplace operations become more remote, online presentations are becoming common. Leading media coach, Shannon O'Dowd gives

Becoming a TV Host: Co-Hosting 101
Leading media coach Shannon O'Dowd gives her expert opinion on co-hosting, and what to keep in mind when sharing the frame. From eye con

Tips to Being a Media Contributor
Shannon O'Dowd, Southern California's leading media coach is proud to offer helpful tips from her hosting workshop in how to become

Becoming a TV Host: How to Pick the Right Teleprompter Font Size
Leading Southern California media coach Shannon O'Dowd has the know-how to get you on TV! On this week's blog, we get into the fine

Infomercials host
Shannon O'Dowd, Southern California's leading media coach provides weekly tv hosting tips on her blog! Click here to watch her lates

Becoming a Host: Performing Infomercial Copy
Shannon O'Dowd, Southern California's leading media coach, gives thoughtful tips on how to properly execute an infomercial without c

TV Personality Jobs: Difference Between News Reporting & Entertainment Reporting
See leading Southern California media coach, Shannon O'Dowd's take on the difference between entertainment and news reporting!

Asking Informed Questions & Adding Anecdotes with Selling Products When Hosting a Show:
Leading Southern California media coach, Shannon O'Dowd gives a hot take on the importance of good questions and engaging anecdotes in t

Tips for a TV Host Audition
Shannon O'Dowd is a leading media coach in Southern California. See her tips for landing your dream hosting gig!