Best Practices for Online Presentations
In 2018, as workplace operations become more remote, online presentations are becoming common. Leading media coach, Shannon O'Dowd gives

How to Do Video Content In Online Courses
Leading media coach Shannon O'Dowd wants to help you elevate your online video course to new levels. Get her expert advice on best pract

Be a TV Presenter: FREE Webinar Video!
Have you dreamt about being a TV presenter? Good news! Leading media coach, Shannon O'Dowd just launched a FREE new webinar that tells y

Asking Informed Questions & Adding Anecdotes with Selling Products When Hosting a Show:
Leading Southern California media coach, Shannon O'Dowd gives a hot take on the importance of good questions and engaging anecdotes in t

Working “Off Script” May Be Better!
There are many out there who will write a script before they say anything to the camera. I don’t recommend this. There is some research...